# yeadon. (cld72@cornell.edu) # Measurement input template. # Lines beginning with pound are comment lines. # There are 95 measurements, consisting of lengths, perimeters, widths, and # depths. # # For details about how the measurements are to be taken, consult the journal # article Yeadon 1989-ii or the documentation # of this python package. # # CONVERSION FACTOR to convert measurements INTO meters # (set to 1 if measurements are in meters, 0.001 if measurements are in mm, # 0.0254 if measurements are in inches) measurementconversionfactor : .01 # ############################################################################## # TORSO # Ls0 hip joint centre # Ls1 umbilicus # Ls2 lowest front rib # Ls3 nipple # Ls4 shoulder joint centre # Ls5 acromion # Ls6 beneath nose # Ls7 above ear # Ls8 top of head # # lengths to levels 1 through 5 are measured from Ls0, the hip centre: Ls1L: 4.9 Ls2L: 18.8 Ls3L: 33.4 Ls4L: 47.2 Ls5L: 50.2 # lengths to levels 6 through 8 are measured from Ls5, the acromion: Ls6L: 14.9 Ls7L: 19 Ls8L: 29.2 # # stadium parameters: Ls0p: 86.9 Ls1p: 75 Ls2p: 73.9 Ls3p: 80.6 Ls5p: 37.5 Ls6p: 49.8 Ls7p: 57 # # stadium widths: # width nor depth are measured for Ls5, acromion, because its shape is set by # estimates from Ls4, shoulder joint centre. Ls0w: 32.4 Ls1w: 27.4 Ls2w: 25.1 Ls3w: 28 Ls4w: 30.3 # # depth: the presence of the shoulder joint at Ls4, the shoulder joint centre, # makes it difficult to measure the width of the Ls4 stadium. Therefore the # depth (=2r) of the stadium is measured instead. Ls4d: 15.1 # torso (s) levels 5 through 8 do not have widths because they are circles EDIT. # ############################################################################## # LEFT ARM # # lengths measured from La0, shoulder joint centre: # La1L is not measured because it is set to be .5 * La2L. # Accordingly, La1p should be measured at the location .5 * La2L La2L: 26.1 La3L: 33 La4L: 50.8 # lengths measured from La4, wrist joint centre: La5L: 3 La6L: 8.8 La7L: 17.7 # # stadium perimeters: La0p: 28.5 La1p: 24.2 La2p: 23 La3p: 23.5 La4p: 15.4 La5p: 21 La6p: 21.5 La7p: 10.7 # # stadium widths: # arm levels 0-3 are do not have widths because they are circles La4w: 5 La5w: 7.3 La6w: 9.8 La7w: 4.9 # ############################################################################## # RIGHT ARM # # lengths measured from Lb0, shoulder joint centre: # Lb1L is not measured because it is set to be .5 * Lb2L. # Accordingly, Lb1p should be measured at the location .5 * Lb2L Lb2L: 26.6 Lb3L: 32.4 Lb4L: 51.9 # lengths measured from Lb4, wrist joint centre: Lb5L: 1.5 Lb6L: 7.2 Lb7L: 16.6 # # stadium perimeters: Lb0p: 29 Lb1p: 24.2 Lb2p: 22.7 Lb3p: 23.4 Lb4p: 15.2 Lb5p: 20.9 Lb6p: 22.4 Lb7p: 11 # # stadium widths: # arm levels 0-3 are do not have widths because they are circles Lb4w: 5.2 Lb5w: 7.2 Lb6w: 9.6 Lb7w: 5 # ############################################################################## # LEFT LEG # # lengths measured from Lj0, hip joint centre: Lj1L: 10.1 # Lj2L is not measured because it is set as the average of Lj1L and Lj3L. Lj3L: 42.6 Lj4L: 56.5 Lj5L: 81.6 # lengths measured from Lj5, ankle joint centre: Lj6L: 2.5 # Lj7L is not measured because it is set as the average of Lj6L and Lj8L. Lj8L: 14.9 Lj9L: 21 # # stadium perimeters: # Lj0p is not measured because it is set by Ls0p and Ls0w. Lj1p: 52 Lj2p: 48.9 Lj3p: 35.1 Lj4p: 35.2 Lj5p: 25.5 Lj6p: 30.2 Lj7p: 23.3 Lj8p: 22.8 Lj9p: 18.5 # # stadium widths: # leg levels 0-5 and 7 do not have widths because they are circles Lj8w: 8.7 Lj9w: 8.2 # # stadium depths: # this stadium is rotated 90 degrees from the other, so that its longitudinal # axis is oriented anteroposteriorly (from back to front) Lj6d: 11.4 # ############################################################################## # RIGHT LEG # # lengths measured from Lk0, hip joint centre: Lk1L: 9.7 # Lk2L is not measured because it is set as the average of Lk1L and Lk3L. Lk3L: 42.2 Lk4L: 55.8 Lk5L: 80.6 # lengths measured from Lk5, ankle joint centre: Lk6L: 2.5 # Lk7L is not measured because it is set as the average of Lk6L and Lk8L. Lk8L: 14.5 Lk9L: 20.8 # # stadium perimeters: # Lk0p is not measured because it is set by Ls0p and Ls0w. Lk1p: 55 Lk2p: 50 Lk3p: 34.8 Lk4p: 34.9 Lk5p: 23 Lk6p: 31 Lk7p: 23.7 Lk8p: 22.2 Lk9p: 19.5 # # stadium widths: # leg levels 0-5 and 7 do not have widths because they are circles Lk8w: 8.6 Lk9w: 8.3 # # stadium depths: # this stadium is rotated 90 degrees from the other, so that its longitudinal # axis is oriented anteroposteriorly (from back to front) Lk6d: 11.1